"Jens is a solid banjo player, always fun to hear!"
- Ron Block of Alison Krauss & Union Station
"Sällan har jag mött en musiker som har sån kärlek till sitt instrument. Och som dessutom fått gåvan att spela det så bra. (Lite störande är att han dessutom är en vacker karl). Vissa har det."
- Bo Kasper Sundström
"How does a young man in Sweden learn to play bluegrass banjo with the skill, precision, and authenticity of a native of the southeastern United States? I’m not sure how to answer that, but Jens Koch has not only done so, he’s made himself into one of the most interesting practitioners of the contemporary banjo style in the world. It requires a special sort of dedication - and a few trips to the States - to pull it off, but this handsome lad has shown that geography, language and culture are no barriers to artistic excellence. He’ll provide a fine example to other European banjo strivers in years to come."
- John Lawless, music journalist
"I’ve been a fan of Jens Koch’s banjo playing ever since I first heard him on a sidewalk outside of the European World of Bluegrass nearly 10 years ago. Even then, I was impressed by his ability to infuse the hard drive of traditional bluegrass with modern sensibilities and a fine melodic approach, and he’s only gotten better since!"
- Jon Weisberger, musician and writer.
"Jens är en fantastisk musiker på så många olika sätt. I mitt tycke är han den bästa banjospelaren i hela Sverige utan konkurrens. Jag har haft turen att få spela med honom många gånger. Både med mitt band Cookies n Beans, när jag gästat G2 men även med mitt eget material Öhrn som i grunden är helt elektroniskt. Även där hittar han in i musiken på ett fantastiskt sätt och skapar arrangemang med stor lyhördhet.
Vi kommer definitivt att fortsätta med olika samarbeten. Jag rekommenderar honom till alla som skapar och spelar musik."
- Frida Öhrn
"Jens is a driving banjo player with taste to match... Do yourself a favor and make an opportunity to lend him your ears... I look forward to hearing what come next from his musical development."
- Frank Solivan of Frank Solivan & Dirty Kitchen
"I produced and recorded Jens for the G2 album “Mind Over Matter”.
He has a relentless pursuit of tone. Of style. Of precision.
He simultaneously stood on the shoulders of the banjo legends while hinting at new barriers to be broken.
Barriers should be afraid."
- Erick Jaskowiak, producer and engineer